
Hot & Cold Medical Wrist Brace Lot Of 6

$3.25 each (MSRP $17.99)- Per Piece Price

Original price was: $71.96.Current price is: $19.50.

- Per Lot

$3.25 each liquidation price in this lot of 6 neoprene

medical wrist braces with both hot and cold insert

packs. This wrist brace has a contoured aluminum

splint inside the neoprene wrap which has slots for

the hot and cold inserts. The hot and cold packs

can be reused as needed. Great for carpel tunnel

syndrome, fractures, weight workouts and more.

Hospitals sell a like product for upwards of $35

plus labor to install. Most retail and online sell

for $16.95 to $19.95. If you are selling health

and beauty products, this is a must have in

your store.

6 in stock

*Quantity added will be based on Per Set and NOT on Per Piece