Energy Dietary Supplement Display Of 24
$1.25 each liquidation price in this display of 24 tubes
or sticks of C4 explosive energy herbal dietary supplement
pills. This product is used to burn fat – boost metabolism
increase energy!! You get a display of 24 tubes/sticks
containing 8 capsules/servings per tube/stick. Each
capsule/serving is an all natural proprietary blend
including: 400 mg total of Citrus Auranthium Extract,
White Willow Bark Extract, Green Tea Extract, Xanthinol
Nicotinate, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Kola Nut (seed),
Ginkgo Biloba (Leaf)…. Plus 200 mg of caffeine
(Anhydrous)#. You should be able to retail each
tube/stick for $5.99 or more as these are a natural
source of energy with the side benefit of helping
with weight loss.
*Note: No Sales To Anyone Under The Age Of 18 Years”
24 in stock