
Fashion Birthstone Rings Lot Of 36

.60 cents each (MSRP $2.99)- Per Piece Price

Original price was: $107.64.Current price is: $21.60.

- Per Lot

.60 cents each liquidation price in this display of 36

birthstone rings with contemporary rings design

and 12 month birthstones along with pertinent

birthstone information as well as adjustable one

size fits all. These are one of the the best selling

low end birthstone rings on the market and are

highly profitable. Retail up to $2.99 each in stores

and online. Jewelry is a high profit category of

products. This item will make a nice profit for

your store. So, if you sell any jewelry this is a

great item for your customers.

3 in stock

*Quantity added will be based on Per Set and NOT on Per Piece