
Alien Glow Keychains Lot Of 24

.85 cents each (MSRP $4.99)- Per Piece Price

Original price was: $119.76.Current price is: $20.40.

- Per Lot

.85 cents each liquidation price in this lot of 24 Martian/Alien

key rings. They glow in the dark and are about 2 1/2 inches

in size. Very unique design and assorted colors. Very popular

genre for quick sales and high profit. These have actually

retailed for up to $4.99 each. So, there is a ton of room for

profit making with these glow in the dark Alien/Martian

key rings. The novelty category is a great opportunity to

make a big profit.

3 in stock

*Quantity added will be based on Per Set and NOT on Per Piece